Project Management - Project Initiation: Module 4 Challenge

Initiation Phase Questions in Project Management

Fill in the blank: If the project has a _____, then it may be worth it for the team to learn a more sophisticated project management tool.

Correct Answer: A. large scope

What type of document is typically created at the end of the initiation phase to define key details of the project?

Correct Answer: A. Project charter

Who does the project manager need to get approval from before indicating a Go for the project? Select all that apply.

Correct Answers: B. Project sponsor, C. Key stakeholders

Why is it important for a project manager to properly document a project? Select all that apply.

Correct Answers: A. Proper documentation helps communicate any changes to the project’s scope, B. Proper documentation can pave the way for the success of the project within the time constraints, D. Without proper documentation, the team members may receive conflicting information about the project.

Which are examples of work management tools?

Correct Answer: C. Asana, Basecamp, and Trello

A project manager needs to plan, track, and complete work across many project phases. They also need to visually represent the team’s day-to-day tasks. Which type of tool is best for these activities?

Correct Answer: C. A work management software, such as Asana

The project sponsor requests a report on the current budget needs of a project. They would like to review a detailed breakdown of costs. Which type of tool would be best to use to meet the project sponsor’s request?

Correct Answer: A. Spreadsheets

Collaboration tools such as email or chat allow teams to do what tasks? Select all that apply.

Correct Answers: A. Work collectively and closely with other team members, B. Check in on project tasks, D. Visualize project task completion

Fill in the blank: Project managers use tools to manage _____, which typically include the project’s budget, people, and materials.

Correct Answer: C. project resources

Which of the following best describes what a living document means?

Correct Answer: A. A document that evolves as the project progresses

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